Employee Handbook








Doctrinal Statement

Religious Qualifications

Equal Employment 




The first 90 days of continuous employment at Haven of Rest Ministries is considered an introductory period. During that period, all employees will not be eligible for employee benefits nor will vacation accrual be earned, unless otherwise indicated or required by law.

The introductory period is a try-out time for both the employee and Haven of Rest Ministries.

Completion of the introductory period does not guarantee or imply continued employment for any specified time; nor does it require, or is it meant in any way to imply, that an employee be released only for “cause.” Employment “at will” is always the standard. 


This Handbook has been prepared to inform you about the Haven of Rest Ministries’ history, philosophy, employment practices, and policies, as well as the benefits provided to you as a valued employee and the conduct expected from you.

No employee handbook can answer every question, nor would we want to restrict the normal question and answer interchange among us. It is in our person-to-person conversations that we can better know each other, express our views, and work together in a harmonious relationship.

We hope this Handbook will help you feel comfortable with the Haven of Rest Ministries. We depend on you – your success is our success. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. Your supervisor will gladly answer them. We believe you will enjoy your work and your fellow valued employees here. We also believe you will find Haven of Rest Ministries a great place to work.

We ask that you read this Handbook carefully and refer to it whenever questions arise. We also suggest that you take it home so your family can become familiar with our policies.

Haven of Rest Ministries’ policies, benefits, and rules, as explained in this Handbook, may be changed from time to time as business, employment legislation, and economic conditions dictate.


The Haven of Rest Ministries exists to see those bound by life-dominating problems rescued, restored, and released while experiencing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ who commands us in the Great Commission:

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:18-20

“Those with life-dominating problems” refers to men and women, eighteen (18) years of age and older who come to us for help. “Life-dominating problems” refers to those life-controlling issues that have contributed to their being dysfunctional in society, in their family, or in other relationships.

“Rescued, restored and released” is defined as:

  1. “Rescued” means receiving those who come to us for help and meeting their immediate needs while giving Biblical guidance.

  2. “Restored” means the process of transformation from their point of crisis to a readiness for fruitful living.

  3. “Released” means the removal of the bondage brought on by their life dominating problem through victory in Jesus Christ, and their return to society through connection to a Christian church.

“Experiencing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ” means receiving verbal proclamation of the Gospel; being provided food, shelter, clothing, and receiving true Christian love through all who interact with those in need during the rescue, restoration, and release.

Doctrinal Statement

-We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, inerrant and authoritative Word of God.

-We believe that there is one God, Creator of heaven and earth, eternally existent in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

-We believe: in the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ; that He was born of a virgin; that we are redeemed by His atoning death through His shed blood; that He was bodily resurrected and ascended into Heaven; and that He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

-We believe in the value and dignity of all people. We believe people are created in God’s image, but are alienated from God and each other because of sin and guilt, and justly subject to God’s wrath.

-We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit by grace through faith is essential for the salvation of lost and sinful people.

-We believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting solely through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

-We believe the Holy Spirit unites all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and that together we form one body, the church.

-We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man (gender at birth) and one woman (gender at birth) in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in the Holy Bible. (Genesis 2:18-25)

Religious Qualifications

Every position in the Haven of Rest Ministries requires specific qualifications peculiar to the area of service. That type of qualification is spelled out in the job description and position standard for that position. However, the following personal requirements for valued employees of the ministry are common to all.

As a valued employee of the Haven of Rest Ministries, Inc. it is a necessity that he or she:

-Be a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as expressed by a personal testimony and Christian conduct.

-Be a member in good standing of a recognized evangelical church.

-Have a genuine concern for the salvation of the souls and the spiritual welfare of Ministries’ clients.

-Agree with the Doctrinal Statement of the Haven of Rest Ministries, Inc. 

-Abstain from the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcoholic beverages, prescription and non-prescription drugs.

-Have a lifestyle that is free of sexual sin (to include pornographic materials, homosexuality, adultery, premarital sex, and fornication, etc.).

-Have high standards of personal hygiene and housekeeping relative to appearance, clothing and office area.

-Have the ability to work in harmony with other Haven of Rest Ministries valued employees.

Equal Employment

Haven of Rest Ministries affirms the right of every person to participate in employment without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions including, but not limited to lactation, disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans status and in accordance with all applicable laws, directives and regulations of federal, state and local governing bodies. This applies in all areas of employment including, but not limited to recruiting, hiring, promotion, transfers, training, and terms and conditions of employment and all other areas of human resources activity. 

Every employee is expected to implement this commitment through the uniform and consistent application of approved employment practices, and the maintenance of a business environment free of intimidation, sexual or other forms of harassment, and other discriminatory conduct. 

Because the Ministry is a Christian organization with a written doctrinal statement, the Ministry reserves the right to employ only those who are Christian by Biblical definition and who live in accordance with the Ministry’s doctrinal statement.  Federal law allows organizations like Haven of Rest Ministries, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, the freedom to require this of employees.

Should an employee have a complaint in this area, contact the immediate supervisor first. If this is not a suitable option, or if the problem is not resolved, Contact Us.

It is the responsibility of each employee to support these objectives and ensure that this policy is fully implemented within this organization. 


Having our employees on the job performing their responsibilities is one of the most critical factors in the success of our businesses. It is the personal responsibility of each employee to report for work on a timely and regular basis. Each employee must be aware that failure to meet Haven of Rest Ministries’ standards for attendance may result in disciplinary action, including termination.

An employee who is going to be absent for any reason should advise their manager before the workday begins. It is each employee’s responsibility to ensure that proper notification is given. When an employee contacts the supervisor in the manner previously defined by the Supervisor to inform Haven of Rest Ministries of an unexpected absence or late arrival, they should communicate with their supervisor directly. Notifying a fellow employee is NOT sufficient. If the supervisor is not available, the employee should leave the information with another person in management. If an employee is unable to contact the Supervisor themself because of an illness, emergency, or some other reason, they should have someone contact the supervisor on their behalf. 

Absence from work for three consecutive days without appropriate notice will be considered voluntary resignation and employment will be terminated. 

Employees are expected to be at their workstations and ready to work at the beginning of their assigned daily work hours and are expected to remain at their workstations until the end of their assigned work hours, except for breaks or lunch. If an employee must leave their workstation for any reason, the supervisor must be notified where they are going and how long they expect to be gone. 

Generally, three occurrences of absence, tardiness, and or leaving early in a 90-day period, or a consistent pattern of these occurrences, will be considered excessive. 

Government Requirements 

Form “W-4” Employees are required to fill out Form W-4 so that the correct federal and state income tax can be withheld from their pay. 

Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification is required of all new employees to show that they are authorized to work in the United States.

All newly hired and rehired employees are reported to the South Carolina Department of Social Services as required by The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Federal Welfare Reform).

Confidential Information

Our employee’s entrust Haven of Rest Ministries with important and confidential information. The nature of this relationship requires maintenance of confidentiality. In safeguarding the information received, Haven of Rest Ministries earns the respect and further trust of our employees.

Any violation of confidentiality could seriously injure Haven of Rest Ministries reputation, effectiveness, and financial success. Therefore, please do not discuss or disclose confidential information with anyone who does not work for Haven of Rest Ministries. If an employee hears, sees, or becomes aware of anyone breaking this trust, their manager should be made aware of the situation. 

If an employee is questioned by someone outside Haven of Rest Ministries or their department and is concerned about the appropriateness of giving them certain information, the employee is not required to answer, and Haven of Rest Ministries does not wish them to do so. Instead, as politely as possible, the employee should refer the request to their manager or the Human Resources Department.

No one is permitted to remove or make copies of any Haven of Rest Ministries’ records, reports or documents (print or digital) without prior written approval of their manager.

Because of the seriousness of this matter, disclosure, unauthorized copying, or removal of confidential information could lead to termination and/or legal action against the offender. 

Policy Against Discrimination & Harassment


Haven of Rest Ministries is committed to maintain a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. The Haven of Rest Ministries policy is to select, place, train, and promote the best-qualified individuals based upon relevant factors such as education, experience, work quality, attitude, and attendance, so as to provide equal opportunity in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. This policy extends to all aspects of the employment relationship, including hiring, transfers, promotions, training, working conditions, terminations, and compensation. Accordingly, any unfair treatment by or directed to any employee, applicant, guest, customer, contractor or supplier that is based on or motivated by race, sex, age, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, citizenship status, veteran status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, gender stereotypes, genetic information, or any other legally prohibited basis is a violation of this policy, may be illegal, and is expressly forbidden.


Harassment is any conduct or statement that is based on one of the characteristics listed above and that would reasonably be considered unwelcome or offensive. This may be true even if the conduct is not severe or pervasive as to constitute a violation of law. Haven of Rest Ministries policy is first to prevent harassment, but where that is not possible, to eliminate it before it becomes so severe and pervasive as to be illegal.

Harassment within the meaning of this policy can take many forms. Any comment or conduct based on or motivated by the characteristics listed above that could create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, or that implies on connection between accepting such conduct and any job action (such as hiring, transfer, promotion, training, salary increase, etc.), is prohibited. For instance, telling jokes, making comments, or displaying pictures or cartoons that are racially, ethnically, or religiously oriented may constitute racial, ethnic, or religious harassment. This is true even if the conduct is only overheard or seen, not directed toward the complaining party, and regardless of any innocent intent.

Sexual harassment is an area of special concern. The legal definition of sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications (even if the conduct or communications are not overtly sexual) where submission to the conduct is used as a factor in job actions, or the conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a person’s employment of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can take many forms, such as:

-A sexual advance or touch that the recipient deems to be unwelcome

-Sexually oriented comments about one’s body, appearance, or lifestyle

-Sexually oriented nonverbal behavior such as leering or staring that is deemed by the recipient to be unwelcome

-Showing or displaying sexually explicit graphics, cartoons, pictures, photographs, or objects in the workplace

-Making unwelcome comments or jokes about an employee who doesn’t seem to fit gender stereotypes, or who is of a different sexual orientation, or out of hostility toward one sex, even if the comments themselves are not sexual in nature.

This policy applies to conduct between members of the same sex just as it does to conducts between members of opposite sexes.

No Haven of Rest Ministries manager or supervisor will condone discrimination or harassment in violation of this policy, and no one can be forced to submit to such conduct as a basis for any employment decision. Haven of Rest Ministries’ managers and supervisors are expected to communicate this to each employee. The Haven of Rest Ministries policy against discrimination and harassment encourage employees to report alleged violations, promptly and thoroughly investigate possible violations, as fully explained below.

Conduct Information and Regulations

Employee Conduct Code

This handbook contains guidelines, policies, and regulations designed to ensure that employees conduct themselves in a proper manner. Each employee is fully responsible to know all the contents of this handbook and to abide by the content while identified with Haven of Rest Ministries. The administration has determined that Haven of Rest Ministries will take all steps necessary to ensure that employees abide by all contained in this handbook. The following areas are considered major by Haven of Rest Ministries: alcohol, disorderly conduct, drugs, sexual misconduct, theft, unauthorized visitation, vandalism, violation of outside law, and weapons.

Alcoholic Beverages

The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages at Haven of Rest Ministries is prohibited. It is also prohibited to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages at any time while at Haven of Rest Ministries.

Disorderly Conduct


Employees must be aware of Haven of Rest Ministries’ commitments to having an environment which discourages exaggerated conduct that draws attention to oneself or to a group. Disorderly or obscene conduct or breach of peace on Haven of Rest Ministries property is prohibited. No employee shall push, strike, or physically assault any member of the staff, administration, or any visitor on Haven of Rest Ministries property. 



Whether on or off Haven of Rest Ministries property, employees may not be under the influence, possess or use (without valid medical or dental prescription), manufacture, furnish, or sell narcotic, mood altering, or dangerous drugs controlled by Federal or South Carolina law. Appropriate officials/representatives of Haven of Rest Ministries reserve the right to require an employee to show proof of a drug-free condition including drug testing whenever such officials suspect or have reason to believe that an individual(s) might be engaging in drug use on or off property. Further, Haven of Rest Ministries and its officials reserve the right to determine what constitutes “suspicion” or “reason to believe” to include common symptoms routinely identified with a person under the influence. For an employee to violate the drug policy in any way is a major policy violation and will result in the immediate loss of privilege to be employed at Haven of Rest Ministries. 

Sexual Misconduct and Harassment


Any individual who violates the above-mentioned Harassment Policy or is obscene, lewd, or indecent, violates the policy of Haven of Rest Ministries. Sexual misconduct and Harassment by any Haven of Rest employee is harmful to the image and reputation of the organization and will not be tolerated. 



No employee shall take, attempt to take, or keep in their possession items of Haven of Rest Ministries property or items belonging to employees, clients, visitors, or others outside Haven of Rest Ministries without proper authorization. Whenever theft occurs, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office immediately. If deemed appropriate Haven of Rest Ministries will conduct investigations including searches. The Sheriff’s Department may be asked to assist with an investigation. Haven of Rest Ministries cannot be held responsible for any personal items an employee brings on Haven of Rest Ministries property.


Malicious or intentional damage or destruction of property belonging to Haven of Rest Ministries is prohibited. 


            Unauthorized weapons are prohibited on all Haven of Rest Property such as: firearms, knives, bows, arrows, sling shots, water guns, BB or pellet guns, paintball guns, fake weapons of real appearance, explosives, fireworks, or other weapons. All firearms are prohibited (including CWP holders) on Haven property. If necessary, for the fulfillment of your job duties pocket-knives may be authorized for use by your supervisor. 

  • Fire Safety: No employee shall tamper with fire safety equipment. Violation is an extremely serious offense. 

  • Tobacco: Tobacco products or substitutes are not allowed on the Haven of Rest Ministries property at any time. 

  • Parking: Employees are to park vehicles in designated areas assigned by Haven of Rest Ministries. 


  • Immoral Material: No pornographic, lewd, vulgar, or provocative material in any form is allowed at Haven of Rest Ministries. This includes but is not limited to magazines, T-shirts, audio/visual material, electronic downloads and electronic images of any kind. 

  • Time with clients during off-duty hours: The Haven of Rest Ministries’ goal is to maintain a healthy client/staff effectiveness. Therefore, Haven of Rest staff are not to invite clients to private homes, family functions and/or overnight visits during off-duty hours. A healthy line of distinction between client and staff relationship and environment enables both parties be able to enjoy the respect, authority and professionalism that the current shift scheduling and ministry staging environments provide. This framework also ensures proper accounting of hours worked and compensation for services rendered by staff as expected by the Department of Labor. 

This directive protects staff from any false notions of favoritism that could become a disadvantage for a client’s successful recovery path and possibly erode a well-meaning staff member’s potential effectiveness with other clients. In addition, this directive protects the home environment, friends, and family of the employee.  

This portion of the policy was written and distributed to the staff January 28, 2020, and entered in the Employee Handbook February 25, 2021

  • Guests: 

            All guests of Haven of Rest Ministries must enter the office before entering other designated areas.

Open Door Policy

Haven of Rest Ministries maintains an open-door policy with respect to the improvement of its programs and operational procedures. Employees are encouraged to make suggestions to save energy, materials, time, money, labor, and a more effective ministry. Suggestions should be made in writing to the Human Resource Department and/or to their supervisor.

Open Door Policy

Haven of Rest Ministries maintains an open-door policy with respect to the improvement of its programs and operational procedures. Employees are encouraged to make suggestions to save energy, materials, time, money, labor, and a more effective ministry. Suggestions should be made in writing to the Human Resource Department and/or to their supervisor.

Resolving Problems

If an employee has a problem or complaint, Haven of Rest Ministries expects them to communicate the issue. The following steps may be taken:

  1. First, talk to the immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor is most familiar with each employee and their role in the organization. The supervisor works closely with each employee and is interested in seeing that they are treated fairly and properly. 
  2. If the supervisor cannot help resolve the matter, the employee may speak with the Human Resource Department. 
  3. If the employee feels uncomfortable with any of the above, they may go directly to the Executive Director.

Disciplinary Action Policy

Any form of discipline can be applied or omitted at Haven of Rest Ministries discretion. These guidelines in no way infer any obligation to follow any certain procedure or to apply progressive discipline. Haven of Rest Ministries’ reserves the right to initiate discipline at any level. Therefore, the circumstances of a particular situation can result in termination for the first offense, while other cases may result in other forms of discipline. Discipline may be based not only on a violation of Haven of Rest Ministries policy, but also on poor performance, an exhibited pattern of unresolved workplace misconduct or rule violations, and any other factors in which Haven of Rest Ministries determines to be relevant. 

Whistleblower Policy

It is the responsibility of every employee to report concerns relating to suspected misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud. The Whistleblower Policy extends beyond the law by encouraging reporting of law violations as well as prohibiting retaliation. If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of Haven of Rest Ministries, Inc. is in violation of law, a written complaint may be filed by that employee with the Executive Director. 

Purpose of this policy

The purpose of the policy is to protect employees against retaliation for protesting or complaining to their employers, the occupational safety and health administration (OSHA), or other government agencies. It is the intent of Haven of Rest Ministries to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization, and the overall purpose of this policy is to support the ministries’ goal of legal compliance.


The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations. An employee is protected from retaliation, or a grievance being presented against them, only if the employee brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of Haven of Rest Ministries and provides Haven of Rest Ministries with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to employees that comply with this requirement.

Haven of Rest Ministries will not retaliate against an employee who, in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of Haven of Rest Ministries, of another individual or entity with whom Haven of Rest Ministries had a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law or a clear mandate of public policy.

Haven of Rest Ministries will not retaliate against an employee who discloses or threatens to disclose to a supervisor, a public body any activity, policy, or practice of Haven of Rest Ministries that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate or public policy concerning health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment. 

No Retaliation

Haven of Rest Ministries will not tolerate any reprisals or retaliation by supervisors, managers, or co-employees against an employee who files a complaint of harassment, in good faith, even if the complaint is eventually unsubstantiated, or against those who cooperate in an investigation.

Penalty for Violations

If, after an investigation, Haven of Rest Ministries believes that an employee has violated this policy, that employee will be subject to corrective action or discipline. Corrective action or discipline also will be applied to employees who violate the policy by making knowingly false reports, failing to cooperate in an investigation, or retaliating against others. Corrective action or discipline may range from training or counseling to immediate discharge from employment, depending on all the circumstances. Any non-employee (such as a supplier, or other visitor) who violates this policy may be removed from the premises, and/or other appropriate action taken.

Any individuals including co-workers and supervisors engaging in conduct contrary to the policy of Haven of Rest Ministries may be personally liable in any legal action brought against them at the employee’s expense.

Educating Employees Regarding Harassment

Haven of Rest Ministries provides education about harassment and discrimination as part of its employee orientation to ensure that each employee’s conduct complies with this policy. Additional information about the policy may be obtained at any time by contacting the Human Resources Department.

Safety and Health

To ensure a safe work environment, Haven of Rest Ministries needs the cooperation of all employees. Cooperation means maintaining a clean and orderly work environment as well as reporting any unsafe working conditions, injuries, or accidents immediately to the Human Resource department. 

Haven of Rest Ministries takes safety very serious and requires employees to always follow proper safety procedure. 

General Safety Rules

Haven of Rest Ministries wants you to be safe in all you do. The following general safety rules should prove helpful in promoting safety awareness and an accident-free environment.

  • Keep fit for the job through good health habits, proper meals, and sufficient rest.

  • Make cleanliness a habit.

  • Wear appropriate, safe clothing for the job.

  • When using stairs use caution, never run, use handrails, and walk on the right side.

  • Learn to lift properly. Know the basic body mechanics. If help is needed, when possible, request help.

  • You should not operate any machinery or equipment for which training has not been provided.

  • Horseplay and practical jokes are prohibited.

  • Report every injury immediately to the supervisor, no matter how slight it may seem.

  • Use proper stairways, walkways, and aisles.

  • Keep equipment, tools, and work areas clean and orderly.

  • Wipe up all spilled material immediately and pick-up trash on floors.

  • Follow good housekeeping procedures.

  • Report all safety hazards or unsafe conditions to your supervisor immediately.

  • Learn the right way to do the job by asking.

  • Broken glass should be picked up immediately. 


  • Always wear the appropriate protective equipment for the job.

  • Utilize all safety and protective devices provided with any equipment and machinery.

  • Always read labels and follow recommended instructions.

Safe Driving Policy

Any employee driving a Haven of Rest Ministries vehicle must adhere to the safety steps noted in this policy to ensure the appropriate effort is being placed on minimizing risk of injury, liability, and property damage:

  1. Seat belts must always be worn by the driver and all passengers in the vehicle.
  2. While driving, cell phones may only be used for talking if hands free hardware is used. No other use of cell phones is permitted: texting, app. Use, email, etc. 
  3. All traffic laws must be obeyed, including speed limits.
  4. Drive courteously, you are representing the Haven.
  5. Keys must not be left in the vehicle when the driver exits the vehicle.
  6. No road rage; excessive honking, hand gestures, etc.
  7. In the case of a vehicle accident., If the Haven of Rest driver is found to be at fault in the accident the following will apply. He/she is responsible to pay for 50% of the cost of the Haven owned vehicle repairs, not covered by our insurance policy, for any, and all damages incurred while operating the Haven vehicle. (up to a maximum of $250 per driver, per accident)

Violation of the above rules may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Policy originally introduced to the Haven employees May 2, 2017, updated November 20, 2017. Revised again April 19, 2021 and added to the employee handbook July 22, 2021.


In the case of an accident (whether employee, customer, Haven Helper, client, etc.) regardless of how insignificant it may appear, employees should notify their supervisor; supervisors should report all accidents to the Human Resources Department immediately.


For emergency (Fire, Medical, Criminal, etc.) dial 911, get help and/or notify your supervisor. During any emergency, it is important to remain calm and communicate the situation accurately.

Inclement Weather

At times, emergencies such as severe weather, fires, or power failures can disrupt operations. The decision to close the office, stores or locations will be made by the CEO. When the decision is made to close, employees will receive official notification through approved and established channels. 

Time off from scheduled work due to emergency closings will be unpaid for all non-exempt (hourly) full-time and part-time employees. However, full time employees can use personal leave time or vacation time if it is available to them.

For part-time employees: any hours lost that week can be made up that week if there is work that needs to be done in your department and your supervisor approves. Part time employees can use vacation time if it is available to them.

Workplace Violence Policy

Haven of Rest Ministries attempts to provide employees with a safe and productive work environment. Acts or threats of violence, whether physical, verbal, or by written statements, email, etc., committed by or against employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, visitors, or the public have no place with the organization and are therefore prohibited. “Violence” under this policy means:

  • Attempting, threatening, or causing physical harm
  • Attempting, threatening, or causing damage to property
  • Other behavior that creates or is meant to create fear of harm or intimidation
  • Inciting or promoting the use of violence
  • Attempting or threatening suicide

To reduce the risk of violence at work, Haven of Rest Ministries prohibits possession of weapons by employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, visitors, or the public, while on the organization’s property, engaged in business, or at Haven of Rest Ministries’ functions, regardless of whether an individual has a valid permit to carry the weapon. “Weapon” includes any object, the use of which is intended or implied to cause bodily harm or property damage of any degree. Please also refer to the updated weapons policy. 

Any employee who learns of a violation of this policy is required to report it promptly to a supervisor, director, or the Human Resources Department. Employees who make a good faith report will not suffer any retaliation. Because off-duty conduct can spill over to work, all employees also have an obligation to report the following issues promptly to the Human Resources Department so they can be reviewed:

  • Arrest of, or criminal charges against, an employee, contractor, temporary employee, Haven Helper, or other person who is expected to be present at any organization location, involving violence to another person, property damage, or weapons
  • Arrest of, or criminal charges against an employee, contractor, temporary employee, or other person who is expected to be present at the organization location, involving domestic violence or against any other person for alleged domestic violence toward an employee
  • Any restraining order or personal protection order filed by or against any employee, contractor, temporary employee, or other person who is expected to be present at the organization location, based on acts of violence or threats of violence

All reported incidents will be investigated promptly in good faith, and all information will remain confidential except as necessary to conduct the investigation and resolve the problem. Investigations may include suspension of an employee with or without pay; review of employee criminal history and weapons ownership, search of an employee’s personal items on Haven of Rest Ministries property; interviews with co-workers and others; and a professional medical or psychological evaluation.

Making a knowingly false report of workplace violence, refusing to cooperate in good faith with the Haven of Rest Ministries or law enforcement in an investigation, refusing to allow inspection of physical items, and interfering with security policies, procedures, or equipment are violations of this policy. Violations will result in discipline or corrective action, including the possibility of immediate discharge from employment, and may result in criminal prosecution by responsible authorities.

Substance Abuse/Drug & Alcohol Testing Policies

Buying, selling, dispensing, using, or being under the influence of illegal drugs (including misuse of prescription drugs) is prohibited on Haven of Rest Ministries property, while on duty, or at events. Being under the influence of alcohol, or the use, purchase, sale, or possession of alcohol while driving a Haven of Rest Ministries vehicle or while on duty is also prohibited.

Haven of Rest Ministries’ reserves the right to send an employee for drug and alcohol testing whenever behavior or work performance presents cause to believe that an employee is violating any of the prohibitions above. 

Employees must submit to drug testing when required by federal or state law, regulation, or by contractual obligation not otherwise anticipated by the provisions of this policy.

Drug and alcohol testing is also required in the following circumstances:

  • Post-accident or injury (both DOT and non-DOT testing)
  • As required by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations/DOT

A drug test result that is confirmed and verified as Adulterated or Substituted may result in termination. Drug test results that are confirmed and verified as dilute specimens will require another test that must be a clear negative. Individuals cannot retake a drug or alcohol test that has been verified as positive; however, an individual would have the option to have the original urine drug test re-tested at his or her own expense.

Testing will be performed at an approved facility, according to established Haven of Rest Ministries protocol. A confirmed positive result or refusal to test will result in corrective action, up to and including termination, and depending on all the circumstances may cause Haven of Rest Ministries to notify law enforcement authorities.

An employee must furnish Haven of Rest Ministries with a medical provider’s name and/or prescription for confirmation of the prescription of a legal substance found in their possession. In any of the situations described in this policy, if prescription drugs are detected and the employee is able to prove medical or professional authorization for the drug, Haven of Rest Ministries’ reserves the right to contact the individual’s physician or medical provider, or send the individual to a physician for verification and review of the situation.

No part of this policy or its procedures is intended to affect Haven of Rest Ministries right to manage its workplace or discipline its employees

Standard of Conduct

Whenever people come together to achieve goals, some rules of conduct are needed to help everyone work together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. Our employees have a responsibility to Haven of Rest Ministries and to their peers to adhere to certain rules of behavior and conduct. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict the employee’s rights, but rather to be certain that everyone understands what conduct is expected and necessary. 

Unacceptable Activities

Occurrences of any of the following violations may result in corrective action, up to and including terminations. Unless otherwise specified, this list refers to violations while on duty, on Haven of Rest Ministries property, at a job site, and/or maintaining employment at the Haven of Rest Ministries. This list is not all-inclusive; and all employment remains “at will.”

  • Violation of Haven of Rest Ministries’ Rules or Policy
  • Any deliberate action that is extreme in nature and obviously detrimental to Haven of Rest Ministries’ efforts to operate 
  • Violation of security or safety rules or failure to observe safety practices, failure to wear required safety equipment, tampering with Haven of Rest Ministries equipment
  • Because of the nature of the ministry that we are in and the integrity that the Haven of Rest Ministries tries to uphold, employees and residents of our programs are not permitted to enter a romantic relationship or to encourage the perception of such a relationship.
  • Any interaction with a resident should be purely professional.
  • Negligence or any careless action which endangers the life or safety of an employee or another person
  • Buying, selling, dispensing, possessing, using, or being under the influence of illegal drugs- including the misuse of prescription drugs is prohibited on Haven of Rest Ministries property
  • Being under the influence of alcohol while on Haven of Rest Ministries property is prohibited
  • Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence, or making threats of violence toward any person, or negligent damage of property
  • Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions issued by a supervisor or manager pertaining to an employee’s work. For example, refusal to help on a special assignment 
  • Threatening, intimidating or coercive behavior at any time, for any purpose
  • Fighting, quarreling, or engaging in horseplay
  • Engaging in an act of sabotage; willfully or with gross negligence causing the destruction or damage of Haven of Rest Ministries property, or the property of fellow employees, customers, suppliers, or visitors in any manner
  • Theft
  • Unauthorized possession or use of Haven of Rest Ministries property or the property of fellow employees, including misuse of funds or credit cards, unauthorized removal of documents from the premises without prior permission from management, unauthorized use Haven of Rest Ministries equipment or property for personal reasons, or using Haven of Rest Ministries equipment or property for profit
  • Dishonesty, falsification, misrepresentation, or alteration of any record, including testing materials, time sheets, applications for employment, or other work materials
  • Violating the non-disclosure agreement, giving confidential or proprietary Haven of Rest Ministries information to other ministerial institutions or to unauthorized employees, working for a competing business while an employee, or breach of confidentiality of personnel information
  • Malicious gossip and/or spreading rumors, engaging in behavior designed to create discord and lack of harmony, interfering with another employee on the job, willfully restricting work output or encouraging others to do the same
  • Failure to follow the proper chain of communication to address work related needs, activities, job betterment suggestions specifically related to your work environment
  • Immoral conduct or indecency
  • Gambling
  • Refusal to cooperate in a Haven of Rest Ministries investigation
  • Accepting or giving a bribe
  • Failure to report to assigned work shifts at Haven of Rest Ministries
  • Violation of Equal Employment Policy or Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Unsatisfactory or careless work, failure to meet productions or quality standards, mistakes due to carelessness that may or may not result in damage or destruction of Haven of Rest equipment, or failure to get necessary instructions.
  • Failure to represent the Haven of Rest Ministries to the general public, and/or donors either through verbal or non-verbal communication in an attitude of the example of Christ 
  • Any act of harassment, sexual, racial, or other, such as: telling sexist, racial, or gender jokes or making racial, gender, or ethnic slurs
  • Leaving work before the end of the workday, not being ready to work at the start of a workday, or stopping work before time specified without approval of an employee’s supervisor 
  • Sleeping on the job, loitering, or loafing during work hours
  • Unauthorized use of Haven of Rest Ministries telephone for personal calls
  • Conducting unauthorized personal business or activities during work hours
  • Leaving the building during an employee’s work hours without the permission of a supervisor 
  • Smoking and/or use of tobacco products in restricted areas
  • Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions
  • Convention of Criminal Offences
  • Posting, removing, or altering notices on any bulletin board without permission of a supervisor or management
  • Excessive tardiness or absenteeism
  • Failure to properly report absence and/or tardiness
  • Obscene or abusive language or any other disorderly or antagonistic conduct
  • Failure to immediately report a work-related injury or work-related accident
  • Failure to immediately report damage to Haven of Rest Ministries property or equipment
  • Soliciting during work time and/or in working areas, selling merchandise, or collecting for any kind for charities or others without authorization offered by Human Resources or the Executive Director during work time or at a time or place that interferes with the work of another employee
  • Failure to dress and groom in accordance with accepted business standards 


Dress Code Policy

 A professional appearance is essential to a favorable impression with donors, clients, customers, and the community. Good grooming and appropriate dress reflect employee pride and inspire confidence on the part of such persons. 

Workplace attire and grooming must be neat, clean, and appropriate for the work being performed and the setting in which the work is performed. Natural and artificial scents may also become a distraction from a well-functioning workplace and are also subject to this policy. Departments may determine appropriate workplace attire and grooming for their areas. Supervisors should communicate their departments’ workplace attire and grooming guidelines to staff during the orientation and evaluation period. Any questions about the department’s guidelines for attire should be discussed with the immediate supervisor.


Employees are expected to present a professional, businesslike image to clients, visitors, customers, and the public. Acceptable personal appearance, like proper maintenance of work areas, is an ongoing requirement of employment.

Certain staff may be required to meet special dress, grooming and hygiene standards, such as wearing uniforms or protective clothing, depending on the nature of their jobs. Uniforms and protective clothing may be required for certain positions and will be provided to employees.

At its discretion, a department may allow staff to dress in a more casual fashion than is normally required. (Generally on Fridays) On these occasions, employees are still expected to present a neat appearance and are not permitted to wear ripped, frayed or disheveled clothing, athletic wear, tight, revealing or otherwise inappropriate clothing.

Any staff member who does not meet the attire or grooming standards set by their department will be required to take corrective action, for example leaving the premises to change clothing. Hourly-paid staff will not be compensated for any work time missed because of failure to comply with designated workplace standards.

Office/Administration/Professional Staff

Business casual dress is the minimum standard when working in the office. Business professional attire is appropriate to conduct business outside of the office when attending business meetings with current or potential clients, associates, and community organizations where employees represent the values and interests of Haven of Rest Ministries. Professional attire should be worn when special events or guests are present at the location. 

Because all casual clothing is not suitable, the following guidelines will help determine what is appropriate to wear at work. If there are questions or concerns about an article of clothing, please ask the immediate supervisor prior to wearing the article of clothing. 


  • Slacks, Pants, and Suits
  • Skirts, Dresses, and Skirted Suits: dresses and skirts, and skirts that are split at or below the knee are acceptable. Dress and skirt length should be at a length at which you can sit comfortably in public. 
  • Shirts, Tops, Blouses, and Jackets: Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, tops, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are acceptable attire for work. Most suit jackets or sport jackets are also acceptable attire.
  • If approved by the supervisor, blue jeans and/or shorts may be worn at defined times, in defined work locations and assignments (such as Thrift stores, MTC and WM) 


  • Clothing that is ripped, torn or has holes is not acceptable at any location. 
  • Tight skirts that ride halfway up the thigh are inappropriate. Miniskirts, short-shorts, sun dresses, beach dresses, and spaghetti-strap dresses are inappropriate.
  • Tank tops; midriff tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops
  •  sweatpants, exercise pants, bib overalls, and any spandex or other form-fitting pants 
  • Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, back, chest, stomach or underwear is not appropriate   

Shoes and Footwear 

  • Conservative dress shoes, loafers, clogs, boots, flats, dress heels, and leather deck-type shoes are acceptable for work. 
  • Unacceptable: Flashy athletic shoes, thongs, flip-flops, slippers, and any shower shoes 


  • Hair and facial hair must be kept neat
  • No exotic hair colors


  • Visible Tattoos must not be suggestive, vulgar, and/or failing to reflect Christian beliefs in the workplace. 


  • While at work on their regular work shifts, no visible piercings that draws inappropriate attention toward an individual and/or distorts an ability to speak clearly will be allowed. 


Inspection of Haven of Rest Ministries Property and Personal Items

When Haven of Rest Ministries has reasonable cause to believe that an employee may be in violation of a policy or standard of conduct rule involving the possession or use of inappropriate items or confidential information of the organization, Haven of Rest Ministries’ reserves the option to inspect all the organization property. In addition, Haven of Rest Ministries may request the employee to empty the contents of their personal belongings (such as lunch boxes, handbags, briefcases, packages, and or outer clothing), and/or personal vehicles on the Haven of Rest Ministries property. Haven of Rest Ministries may further investigate and/or address further an employee for refusing to submit to an inspection. 

Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreement

  • Employer employs the employee, and the employee accepts employment upon terms and conditions as follows:
  • Salary payments are subject to withholding and other applicable deductions. 
  • As a normal course of employment, the employee will become aware of certain methods, practices, and procedures with which the employer conducts its business, all of which belong to and will remain the express property of Haven of Rest Ministries.
  • Employee will not at any time, either furnish, or make available either directly or indirectly, to any person, firm, corporation, or other entity any proprietary information used by Haven of Rest Ministries. Employee agrees that all such matters and information shall be kept strictly confidential. 
  • Employee, upon the conclusion of an employment relationship, irrespective of the time, manner, or reason of termination, will immediately surrender and deliver to Haven of Rest Ministries all lists, books, records, memoranda, and data of every kind relating to all proprietary information and all property belonging to employer.
  • Employee agrees that a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement may result in continuing and irreparable damages to the employer for which there may be no adequate remedy at law.  The employer, in addition to all other relief available to the employer, will be entitled to the issuance of an injunction restraining employee from committing or continuing any breach of this Agreement.
  • Wherever used “Employer” and “Organization” will mean Haven of Rest Ministries, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates.
  • If any provision of this Agreement will be determined by a Court having jurisdiction, to be invalid, or illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected, but will continue in full force and effect as though such invalid, illegal or enforceable provision were not originally a part of this Agreement. 
  • This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of South Carolina, irrespective of the fact that a party hereto may not be a resident of that State

Confidentiality Agreement


Haven of Rest Ministries agrees to give the employee access to certain confidential information, relating to the affairs of the organization, solely for purposes of effectively teaching 

The employee agrees to obtain, inspect, and use such information only for the purposes described above. Otherwise, agree to hold such information confidential and secret pursuant to the terms of this agreement.

Now it is Hereby Agreed as follows

Haven of Rest Ministries has or shall furnish to the employee confidential information, described on the attached list, and may further allow suppliers, customers, employees, or representatives of the organization to disclose information to the employee.

The employee agrees to hold all confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets (“Information”) in trust and confidence. The employee further agrees, the information shall be used only for the contemplated purpose, and not for any other purpose or disclosed to any third party under any circumstances whatsoever.

No copies may be made or retained of the information.

At the conclusion of our discussions, or upon demand by Haven of Rest Ministries, all information, including written notes, photographs, or memoranda shall be promptly returned to Haven of Rest Ministries. The employee shall retain no copies or written documentation relating thereto.

This information shall not be disclosed to any employee, consultant or third party unless that third party agrees to execute and be bound by the terms of this agreement, and disclosure by Haven of Rest Ministries is first approved.

It is understood the employee shall have no obligation with respect to any information known by the employee, or as may be generally known within the industry, prior to date of this agreement, or that shall become common knowledge within the industry thereafter, or which the employee is entitled to disclose pursuant to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.

The employee acknowledges the information disclosed herein contains proprietary or trade secrets and in the event of any breach, Haven of Rest Ministries shall be entitled to apply for injunctive relief and to claim for damages of breach.

This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, and assigns.

This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any amendment to this agreement shall only be valid if both parties confirm such amendments in writing.

Public Relations

Every employee is a promoter, as a representative of the Haven of Rest Ministries. Each employee is encouraged to share the work of the ministry and to promote it. 

Press Release and Newspaper Articles

When appropriate we will use the local newspapers to promote our programs and activities. Any upcoming events you would like in the local press need to be submitted to the CEO. If you have a good human-interest story, you may submit it to the CEO for possible promotional use. 

Interviews with Newspaper, Radio, or Television

All relationships with reporters must have the Executive Director’s involvement and approval. No staff member is to give information, make statements, or policy announcements to the news media, without first consulting the Executive Director. If a reporter calls and wants specific information, please refer them to the Executive Director or call the reporter back after talking with the Executive Director. You do not need to talk to the Executive Director or put off a question of “Do you feed people at the ministry?” However, you do need to be aware that what you say may not sound the same after it is written for the media’s consumption.

Use of Haven of Rest Ministries Equipment and/or Engaging Haven of Rest Ministries Clients for Personal Work Policy

Haven of Rest Ministries equipment is not to be taken or rented for use by anyone. Employees and/or Board of Directors are not allowed to use Haven of Rest Ministries equipment for personal use. This policy is set in place for the Board members and all Haven of Rest Ministries’ employees and family members to be in the best interest of the ministry.

Employees and/or Board of Directors are not allowed to engage or show favoritism toward ministry residents – men or women – for personal work-related activity to prevent any conflict of interest.

Haven of Rest Ministries’ clients may be hired for work by Haven of Rest Ministries’ employees, Board members, and/or friends of the Ministry, once the clients reach the men’s training center, PROVIDED they are paid for work performed at current fair market wages. Clients cannot be paid in cash; they must be paid by check. 

Electronic Communications Policy

This policy applies to Haven of Rest Ministries’ employees and any non-employees who use or have access to electronic communications systems (including but not limited to computers, networking equipment, telephones, voice mail systems, fax machines, and cell phones) owned, provided, or subsidized by Haven of Rest Ministries. Violation of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action and could possibly subject the employee and/or Haven of Rest Ministries to criminal prosecution.

  • Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems and all information transmitted by, received from, or stored in the organization systems are the property of Haven of Rest Ministries. Because this information is potentially subject to disclosure to third parties through subpoena or other legal process, and to ensure that the use of the organization systems is consistent with the organization legitimate business interests and obligations (which include, among other things, determining compliance with Haven of Rest Ministries’ policies or law and assessing employee performance), Haven of Rest Ministries reserves the right to review, monitor, intercept, copy, log, delete, and disclose all information contained in or transmitted by the organization systems-including non-business and personal information-with or without notice. Haven of Rest Ministries reserves the right to know and override any passwords, encryption, or codes for these purposes. Any attempt to thwart Haven of Rest Ministries access to such information is a violation of this policy.
  • Users of Haven of Rest Ministries systems must ensure that any information being stored or transmitted is appropriate and lawful. This means, at a minimum, such information must not contain material that constitutes or contributes to a violation of other policies, including the Haven of Rest Ministries Policy against Discrimination and Harassment or the Workplace Violence Policy, and must not otherwise be offensive or defamatory. Individuals who are unsure of what constitutes appropriate behavior should ask themselves, “Will my actions reflect well on Haven of Rest Ministries and its employees?” and consult their supervisors.
  • Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems are intended primarily for business & educational purposes. Personal use is permissible, only within reasonable limits and always subject to the other restrictions stated in this policy. Local management may impose further restrictions, such as time limits on Internet usage. Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems are not to be used for solicitation of any kind other than the pursuit of the organization legitimate business interests. Authorization to use Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems ceases as of the time a user decides to compete with the organization, even if the user has not given notice of intent to end their relationship with Haven of Rest Ministries.
  • Except for those users authorized to do so under this policy, accessing electronic information of others or misidentifying the source of information without a legitimate business purpose is prohibited.
  • Due to the potential for copyright infringement, interference with the operation of the organization systems, and other problems, users are not permitted to install software on Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems. Software must be installed by the Information Services Contractor and only with management approval. Using Haven of Rest Ministries’ resources to download, distribute, or make unauthorized copies of copyrighted material is prohibited.
  • Users are responsible for all content they transmit or receive over the Internet using the Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems. In any postings to personal blogs, wikis, message boards, or other websites discussing Haven of Rest Ministries, users should make it clear that they do not represent Haven of Rest Ministries but are giving their personal views. Users may not reveal trade secrets or confidential information belonging to Haven of Rest Ministries. In addition, users should not personally attack fellow employees, the organization business partners or customers.
  • Certain types of Internet traffic (including streaming media, Internet instant messaging and chat) will be blocked from Haven of Rest Ministries network. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis according to business necessity. For all business communications over the organization systems, use only Haven of Rest Ministries provided email addresses and equipment.
  • Users are responsible for the security of Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems in their possession. Do not leave your equipment unattended in unsecured areas. Do not disclose your passwords. 
  • Be especially sensitive when transmitting confidential or proprietary business data electronically. Consider whether other forms of communications are more appropriate. 
  • Make sure that confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information is properly labeled and that recipients are warned not to make unauthorized use or disclosure of the information.
  • All messages to and from in-house or outside legal counsel seeking or giving legal advice should be clearly marked, “Privileged.” To preserve the attorney-client privilege, never send or forward messages to or from legal counsel to anyone outside Haven of Rest Ministries without authorization from the legal department.
  • Recording of conversations or meetings may be a violation of law and is prohibited without specific management approval.
  • With respect to all messages (including email, text messages, or instant messages) using the Haven of Rest Ministries systems, whether internal or external to the organization:
  • Before sending, ensure that only appropriate recipients have been designated. Do not overuse the “cc” or “bcc” function. Make sure that electronic distribution lists are up to date.
  • Never send a message without reading and editing first.
  • Say only what you mean and say it directly. Do not use double meanings, innuendo, sarcasm, nicknames, or slang. Messages may appear “informal” when composed, but not when read or reviewed later. Never include anything you would not feel comfortable saying in front of a supervisor, and/or would not want to see appear in the personnel file. Messages sent or received on the organization systems are Haven of Rest Ministries’ records, even when the subject is “personal.” Remember that even if the message is deleted, in many cases the message is still retrievable. 
  • Never forward a message that has not read yourself or which has not been read to you in full (not just the “subject” line).
  • Do not combine unrelated messages in one. Use separate messages to ensure that recipients do not receive information that is irrelevant to them.
  • Make sure the “subject” line accurately reflects the message’s content. Do not make the description so lengthy that the recipients will not see all of it and misunderstand the subject.
  • Limit the use of “Urgent” or other such indications to when it really matters. Overuse of such labels may cause recipients to disregard them. At the same time, recognize that messages may not be received or read immediately, as the recipient may be unavailable.
  • Once read, delete messages as soon as possible. Do not store large numbers of messages indefinitely in the mailbox, archive databases, or electronic “folders” in email systems. Email messages 90 days old or older are automatically purged from Haven of Rest Ministries system. This applies to mailboxes maintained on the server as well as any replicas maintained on workstations or laptops. (This does not affect other databases or address books.)
  • Before sending a message, consider whether a phone call or in-person conversation is more appropriate. This is especially true when delivering unwelcome news or information. Be careful that messages are not used to “pass the buck” – follow-up or other action may still be necessary.
  • If a message is received by mistake, stop reading it as soon as the mistake is realized. Notify the sender or the system administrator as soon as possible. It may be a violation of law to purposely read messages intended for another person without authorization.
  • The employee’s name must be attached to all communications sent by them. Obscuring the origin of any message, using an assumed name, or sending a message under someone else’s name without express permission is prohibited.
  • Do not use the Haven of Rest Ministries’ systems to transmit or store spam, personal jokes, chain letter-type messages, solicitations, or gossip. If such items are received, delete them (if possible, by using the “Submit Inappropriate Mail Source” option or equivalent). If the sender is known, inform the sender that Haven of Rest Ministries policy prohibits such material. (Replying to an unknown sender may only confirm that the email address is an active recipient address, leading to more unsolicited or inappropriate messages.)

Reporting Alleged Violations:

Whenever employees believe they have been subjected to conduct that violates the Haven of Rest Ministries policy, they are encouraged, if possible, to first direct the offending party to cease the conduct. Regardless of whether this stops the conduct, employees must promptly report the conduct to their immediate supervisor. Managers or supervisors who receive reports of, or who observe possible violations are obligated to promptly inform the Human Resources Department, and all employees must report possible violations by any Human Resources Department or organization’s Executive Director to the organization Legal Department.

Investigating Alleged Violations:

All reported alleged violations will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. It is the responsibility of all employees to cooperate with an investigation. In an investigation, employees will be interviewed, and a written record of the matter will be made. The confidentiality of the person(s) submitting a complaint and of the person(s) named by the complaint will be protected to the maximum extent possible consistent with the law and a thorough investigation. At the conclusion of the investigation, the person(s) filing the complaint and the person(s) named in the complaint will be informed of the conclusions.

Updating Personal Information:

It is the responsibility of the employee to update the Human Resources Department of any changes to personal information, such as address, phone number, emergency contact, etc. The employee will be held accountable for the accuracy of the information in their file.

Policy on Deductions from Pay:

Haven of Rest Ministries is committed to acting in good faith to properly pay its employees in compliance with state and federal wage and hour laws. 

What To Do If An Improper Deduction Occurs

If an employee believes an improper deduction has been made to their salary, they should immediately report this information to their direct supervisor, or to the Human Resource Department. 

Reports of improper deductions will be promptly investigated. If it is determined that an improper deduction has occurred, the employee will be promptly reimbursed for any improper deduction.

Employee Classifications:

An employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than a thirty (30) hour work week is considered a part-time employee. An employee hired for an intended limited period is considered a temporary employee. Part-time employees are eligible for certain benefits after the satisfactory completion of the 90-day introductory period. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits unless specified or informed otherwise by the Human Resource Department. 

Nonexempt Employees

Nonexempt employees will be paid for actual hours worked and any other applicable benefits under Haven of Rest Ministries vacation or other policies. Haven of Rest Ministries will only make deductions from nonexempt employees’ pay that is specifically permitted by law. Haven of Rest Ministries will not make improper deductions from employees’ pay and will properly reimburse employees for any improper or unauthorized deductions. 

Exempt Employees

Exempt employees are paid on a salary basis. Haven of Rest Ministries will only make deductions from exempt employees’ salaries that are specifically permitted by law. Haven of Rest Ministries will not make improper deductions from exempt employees’ salaries. Haven of Rest Ministries will promptly reimburse exempt employees for any improper or unauthorized deductions from their salaries.

Any exempt or nonexempt employee who believes an error has been made regarding their pay, should report the alleged error, in writing, immediately to the Human Resources Department so it can be investigated or corrected, if applicable. The complaint should specifically identify the employee’s name and the amount and nature of the deduction that the employee believes is inappropriate, and the paycheck date(s) on which the employee believes the deduction was improperly taken. Haven of Rest Ministries will investigate all complaints of improper deductions and notify the employee as soon as possible whether it believes the complaint has merit. 

If Haven of Rest Ministries determines that the complaint has merit, it will issue a reimbursement check to the employee as soon as possible. This generally will be within the next regular paycheck cycle following Haven of Rest Ministries decision on the complaint, or as soon thereafter as possible. If Haven of Rest Ministries determines the complaint does not have merit, it will issue a decision and note to the employee explaining the nature of the deductions and why Haven of Rest Ministries believes it was properly taken. 

Overtime Pay:

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law which requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pays at time and one-half the regular rate for all hours worked over 40 hours in a work week.

However, Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA provides an exemption from both minimum wage and overtime pay for employees employed as bona fide executive, administrative, professional, and outside sales employees. Section 13(a)(1) and Section 13(a)(17) also exempt certain computer employees. To qualify for exemption, employees generally must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and be paid on a salary basis. Job titles do not determine exempt status. For an exemption to apply, an employee’s specific job duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the Department’s regulations.

From time to time, it may be necessary for an employee to perform overtime work to complete a job on time. An employee’s supervisor must approve all overtime in advance. When it is necessary to work overtime, employees are expected to cooperate as a condition of employment.

Eligibility for Overtime:

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) requires that jobs be classified either as exempt or nonexempt. The classification of each job is determined by Haven of Rest Ministries and is based upon the guidelines set forth by the FSLA, taking account the nature of the job duties and responsibilities. If a position is classified as "exempt", that position is exempt from the overtime payment requirement. If a position is classified "non-exempt", the position is paid overtime for hours worked over forty in a work week. As required by the FSLA the employee must be paid at least one, one half times the regular wage for all time worked over forty (40) hours in a work week. The FSLA takes a single workweek as its standard and does not permit averaging of hours over two or more weeks.

Pay Period and Hours:

Haven of Rest Ministries payroll workweek begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. The pay period is Bi-weekly: (26 pay periods per year). All employees are paid through direct deposit on Friday of every other week. Employees will report their time worked daily utilizing the approved reporting procedures. All time reports must be approved after submitting to the Supervisor. 

Expense Reports:

An employee must have their supervisor’s written authorization for a requisition or purchase order prior to incurring an expense on behalf of Haven of Rest Ministries. To be reimbursed for all other authorized expenses, the employee must submit an expense report accompanied by receipts and approval of their direct supervisor. Please submit the expense reports in a timely manner, as authorized reimbursable expenses are incurred. 

Anniversary Date: 

The first paid day of work is the “official” anniversary date. The anniversary date is used to compute various conditions and benefits described in this Handbook. 

Vacation Policy:

Employees are responsible for submitting a vacation request to their supervisor at least 48 hours in advance when requesting vacation time. The supervisor should arrange to cover the job while the employee is away. If the employee fails to give a 48 hours’ notice, the supervisor may grant the vacation; however, this will be counted against the employee’s attendance. The employee and supervisor are responsible for correctly reporting vacation time. 

The Human Resources Department maintains the records and is the final authority for vacation time paid. 

Please consult the Human Resources Department for the current vacation accrual rates and the maximum accrual amount allowed in the calendar year.

Vacation Period

The vacation year is January 1 – December 31, for purposes of earned vacation calculation. Note that vacation time is not accumulated from year to year. Employees are expected to use the entire vacation benefit during the year. If an employee changes from part-time to full-time status, eligibility for full-time benefits begins with the date of full-time employment. Vacation days can only be taken in half day or full day increments. 

New employees hired between January 1 – December 31, vacation time eligibility will begin after the completion of the 90-day introductory period, mentioned on page 6 of the Employee Handbook. Vacation time, during this partial year, will be awarded on an accrual basis, in a proportionate number of hours each pay period to the end of the year; December 31. Upon the following January 1, after the completion of the 90-day introductory period, the full bank of vacation hours for the year will be entered to the employee’s vacation balance based on the chart below.  

All Haven of Rest employees vacation balances are refreshed each January 1 to match the amount of eligible vacation time according to the years of service completed. Vacation time awarded, based on years of service completed, is noted in the charts below. 

Part Time:

Years of Service

Vacation Days awarded

Number of vacation hours

First full year +



Full-Time (Hourly and Salary)

Years of Service

Vacation Days awarded

Number of vacation hours

First full year - 5 years



The January 1 after the completion of 5 years – 10



The January 1 after the completion of 10 years +



Vacation Pay

Pay will not be granted in lieu of vacation time not taken.

Accrued Vacation Pay

When employment ends not for cause, vacation time earned, but not taken by the employee will be included in the employee’s final paycheck on a pro rata basis.

Scheduling Vacations

Haven of Rest Ministries will attempt to grant all employees vacation at the time they desire to take it. However, Haven of Rest Ministries must always maintain adequate staffing. Therefore, vacations must be scheduled in advance and with prior written approval. 

When conflict develops, the employee who makes the request in writing first shall receive preference. 

Holiday Policy:

Haven of Rest Ministries observes the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September)
  • Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November)
  • Christmas (December 25) 

    Note: If any paid holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will usually be observed the preceding Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will usually be observed as the holiday.

Paid Holidays

The annual holiday schedule will be posted at the beginning of each calendar year. Full Time employees will receive the following holidays off with pay providing the following conditions are satisfied: 

  • The employee has been on the payroll for at least 90 days and is full time
  • The employee is not on lay-off status
  • The employee is not a temporary or seasonal employee
  • The employee is not on leave of absence or scheduled vacation time, Maternity Leave, or Personal Time off when the holiday occurs
  • The employee refuses to work during a paid holiday 

Revised July 23, 2021

Note: Hourly Employees who are requested to work during a paid holiday will receive holiday pay plus regular pay.

If a holiday occurs during the employee’s vacation, the employee’s vacation will be extended by the number of holidays falling during the vacation period. 

Birthday Holiday:

The Haven of Rest Ministries recognizes the employee’s birthday with a Birthday Holiday. All full time and part time employees are offered this benefit. The Birthday Holiday will consist of 8 hours for all employees, to be taken at one time to offer one complete day to enjoy as they choose. With prior supervisor approval, the Birthday Holiday can be taken either on their actual birthday or anytime within the calendar year.  

Policy shared with the employees January 21, 2019, revised March 19, 2019, and added to the Employee Handbook February 24, 2021.


Holidays are not considered a day worked for purposes of calculating overtime unless work is performed on the day of the holiday.

Personal Leave Policy: 

Personal Leave is provided to Full Time employees. Use of Personal Leave time must be approved by your immediate supervisor. The employee is to contact their immediate supervisor as early as possible when it is determined that he or she will be unable to perform his or her assigned duties due to illness or some type of family emergency. Personal Leave used must be reported through the approved time reporting and approval process. 

  • Personal Leave must be taken in one (1) hour periods.
  • Personal Leave applies only to full time employees.
  • Employees are encouraged to use their Personal Leave time wisely and accrue as much time as possible in the event of unexpected illnesses and emergencies.
  • Accrued Personal Leave time does carry forward into the next calendar year. 
  • No compensation for unused Personal Leave will be given when employment ends with the Haven of Rest Ministries. 

Common personal leave use consists of: personal medical illness, illness of a member of the employee’s immediate family under your care, doctor’s appointments (for the employee and immediate family members), family emergencies, car emergencies, legal or professional appointments, etc. 

Please contact the Human Resources department for the current accrual rates and the maximum accrual amount allowed. 

Policy was revised/clarified and shared with the employees November 2010 and entered in the Employee Handbook February 24, 2021

Family and Medical Leave Policy:

An employee is eligible for Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) leave if they have worked for the Haven of Rest at least 12 months and, during that time logged a minimum of 1250 hours of service. In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and expansion of the FMLA, effective January 28, 2008, the Haven will provide the eligible employee a total up to 12 work weeks (26 work weeks for certain situations involving injury to family service members) of unpaid leave in a rolling 12-month period calculated by Human Resources for the following purposes:

  1. Caring for a child following his/her birth, adoption, placement in the employee’s home or foster-care,
  2. Caring for a spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition,
  3. Employee recovering from a serious health condition or injury which renders the employee unable to perform their job duties, or
  4. A covered family member’s active duty or call to active duty in the Armed forces.

All paid time off (vacation, sick leave, holiday pay), fitting the appropriate use of paid time off, runs concurrently with FMLA leave.  

Leaves for child-care must be taken within 12 months of the date of birth, adoption, or placement. Employee requesting leave is required to use applicable accrued vacation or applicable sick leave as part of the 12-week Family Medical Leave. If possible, a 30-day advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave is required to be received by Human Resources.  

An Employee whose spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has been notified of an impending call or order to active military duty or who is already on active duty may take up to 12 weeks of leave for reasons related to or affected by the family member’s call-up service. Reasons related to the calls-up or service including helping the family member prepare for the departure or caring for children of the service member. The leave may commence as soon as the individual receives the call-up notice. (In this type of leave request the definition of son or daughter is defined the same as for child for other types of FMLA but will not be a minor.) This type of leave is counted toward the 12-week maximum of FMLA leave in a rolling 12-month period. Employees requesting this leave must provide proof of the qualifying family member’s call-up or active military service to Human Resources before the leave is granted.

In accordance with the expansion of the FMLA under The Support for Injured Service Members Act of 2007, this FMLA leave may extend to up to a combined total of 26 weeks for all types of FMLA leave in a rolling 12-month period for an employee whose spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin is injured or recovering from an injury suffered while on active military duty and who is unable to perform the duties of the service member’s office, grade, rank or rating. Next-of-Kin is defined as the closest blood relative of the injured or recovering service member. An employee is also eligible for this type of leave when the family service member is receiving medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, even if the service member is on temporary disability retired list.  

Employees requesting FMLA leave to care for an injured/recovering family member while on active military duty must provide certification of the family member or next-of-kin’s injury, recovery or need for care to Human Resources. This certification is not tied to a serious health condition as for other types of FMLA leave. This is the only type of FMLA leave that may extent an employee’s leave entitlement beyond 12 weeks to 26 weeks. Other types of FMLA leave are included with this type of leave for a combined total of 26 weeks.  

Supervisors must notify Human Resources immediately if an absence due to illness goes beyond three days (except common ailments such as influenza, colds, migraines, or other chronic or reoccurring conditions). 

Determination of FMLA leave for the employee must be made within two days of Human Resources being notified of the need for FMLA qualified leave or the return of the employee. FMLA paperwork must be completed and returned to Human Resources to qualify this need. FMLA leaves of absences run concurrently with other applicable time off policies including paid sick leave when used during a qualified FMLA leave.  

All questions related to the Family and Medical Leave policy or requests for FMLA leave should be directed to Human Resources.

Policy written and shared with the staff March 23, 2020, and entered in the Employee Handbook February 26, 2021

Pregnancy Accommodations Act:


If an employee needs a temporary change in their standard job duties due to pregnancy or related conditions, they may request an accommodation under this policy. The Haven of Rest Ministries will review the written request to determine a reasonable accommodation that does not create an undue hardship for the ministry. The Haven of Rest Ministries will determine on a case-by-case basis whether a requested accommodation is reasonable or would create an undue hardship after considering the nature of the accommodation, the business needs, the needs of the customers, the needs associated to other staff, the ministry operations, and the ministries’ resources.  

How to Request an Accommodation

The employee may make a request for an accommodation in writing to the Human Resources Department. Applicants for employment may request an accommodation from their point of contact in the hiring process. A request for an accommodation should include an explanation of why the employee requires an accommodation, which may include any physical limitations or risks faced in the job duties, and/or a description of the difficulties experienced with one or more of the aspects of the job duties. The request may also include a description of the accommodation requested that may assist in satisfactory performance of assigned duties. A request should also include anticipated date(s) when the accommodation will become necessary and the expected duration of the need for the accommodation. If the end date for the accommodation changes in the future, notification to the supervisor and Human Resources is required.  

Note, employees and/or applicants who have a temporary disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy are not required to advise Haven of Rest of their pregnancies if they do not wish to and may initiate a request for an accommodation due to disability in the same manner as non-pregnant employees and/or applicants.

Once the employee requests an accommodation, the employee, supervisor, and Human Resources will discuss the needs and the ways in which the needs can be met reasonably and effectively. This discussion is intended to be an open and thorough exchange of ideas. If the accommodation requested is not reasonable or would not be effective, the supervisor and Human Resources may ask for suggestions of other accommodations or may suggest other accommodations themselves. Even through the employee may be entitled to an accommodation, the employee may not be entitled to their chosen accommodation election or preferred accommodation. The employer will not require you to take leave if you do not wish to do so and are able to continue performing the essential functions of the job duties with or without a reasonable accommodation.  

Approval Process

If the accommodation requested by the employee is minor, such as allowing water or snacks at the work site, providing a chair to sit on, or changing break times, the employee and immediate supervisor may agree to implement the accommodation for the time needed without seeking assistance from Human Resources.  

The employee or the supervisor should contact Human Resources for assistance if the employee and the supervisor are unable to identify or agree upon an accommodation, if the accommodation requested by the employee is not minor, if the accommodation requested by the employee is listed in the next section, or if the employee is dissatisfied with the supervisor’s response to the request. Human Resources may help to determine whether an effective and reasonable accommodation exists and may request medical documentation from the employee’s healthcare provider to assist in the interactive process of determining an appropriate accommodation. Human Resources may also engage additional assistance from others, such as the Department Director and/or Executive Director.  

Ordinarily, the supervisor and Human Resources will offer a determination regarding the employee’s request for an accommodation within three business days. Delays may be caused by waits for medical, waits for other documentation, or necessary information from third parties. The employee will be kept informed of the status of the request.

Approved accommodations will be implemented as soon as possible. If the employee’s request is denied, an explanation of the denial will be provided. The employee will also be told if an alternative accommodation has been approved. If the employee disagrees with the determination, they may file for an appeal with the employer’s Executive Director.  

Specific Types of Accommodations

Each request for an accommodation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Some common accommodations are discussed below. This is not intended to be a complete list of all possible accommodations. The employee and the supervisor are encouraged to think creatively and focus on the individual needs and the needs of the department in determining an appropriate, effective, and reasonable accommodation that does not create an undue hardship for the company:

  • Schedule Change: A possible accommodation may be to adjust the beginning/end time of an employee’s workday. Another possible accommodation may relate to the length, or the number of breaks allowed during the workday.  
  • Reduced Hours: This type of accommodation may mean working less hours during the workday or fewer days in the work week.  
  • Transfer: A possible accommodation may be to temporarily change to a different position or work location to meet the physical restrictions.  
  • Light Duty: A possible accommodation that would excuse the employee from strenuous or hazardous duties.  
  • Work from Home: Certain jobs within the ministry have an ability to perform work duties from home. Requests to work from home will require an individualized assessment of the assigned work duties can be performed from a remote location, how those duties will be performed, the technology and tools needed, how the employee would be supervised, and whether the employee will need to be present on the assigned work site on occasion.  
  • Leave: A temporary leave of absence may be the most appropriate reasonable accommodation. Note, the employee is not required to take a leave if they do not wish to, and they are able to continue performing the essential functions of the job with or without a reasonable accommodation. Pregnancy-related leave will be governed by the ministries’ policy for sick leave, family and medical leave, etc.  

Modification of Accommodation

If the approved accommodation needs to be changed or extended during the pregnancy, the employee should notify their supervisor if the accommodation was deemed minor. Human Resources should be contacted for all accommodations, to discuss the modification of current accommodations or to begin the process to request a new accommodation.  

How to End an Accommodation

For accommodations other than leave: Once the employee no longer needs an accommodation, notify the supervisor if the accommodation is minor. If Human Resources was involved in setting up or administering the original and/or modified accommodation, notify Human Resources once the accommodation is no longer necessary. The employee will be returned to the same position, employment conditions, and/or the duties held prior to the implementation of the accommodation, unless it created an undue hardship on the ministry to hold open the original position. In such a case where the accommodation created an undue hardship on the ministry, the employee will be given a substantially equivalent position.

For end of leave accommodations: If an employee had been on leave, they are to notify Human Resources of the date expected to return to work. The employee should notify Human Resources again one week before the planned return date to confirm the return intentions. The employee will be returned to their original position or its equivalent in accordance with the terms of the policy or policies that governed the leave. Note, the employer may not be able to hold open the employee’s original position if they had taken a personal leave of absence or, under certain circumstances, if they fail to return upon the expiration of a family and medical leave.

Questions or Concerns:

If any questions or concerns about the pregnancy, a need for pregnancy accommodation, or if the employee believes they have been discriminated or retaliated against, all reports on the matter must be reported immediately to Human Resources. The employee may also file a complaint with the Executive Director.

Policy added to the Employee Handbook February 26, 2021

Funeral Leave Policy:

The purpose of funeral leave is to provide employees time to attend the funeral of an immediate family member and to handle personal affairs without disrupting income. Only employees who have completed 90 days of employment are eligible for funeral leave benefits. 

An employee may be granted up to a two-day leave (two consecutive working days) with pay in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Additional days without pay may be granted. 

The term immediate family member is defined as:

  • Brother
  • Child
  • Father
  • Father-in-law
  • Grandchild
  • Husband
  • Mother
  • Mother-in-law
  • Sister
  • Step-brother
  • Step-child
  • Step-father
  • Step-mother
  • Step-sister
  • Wife

Policy updated February 26, 2021

Funeral Leave Pay

Funeral leave pay will be figured at one’s regular pay rate.

If the employee is not eligible for funeral leave with pay, time off without pay may be given. Each day off will be counted as an absence without pay. 

When granted funeral leave benefits, it is mandatory to attend the funeral of the relative for whom such funeral leave was requested. We reserve the right to ask for the name and relationship of the deceased and the name of the funeral home that handled the arrangements. 

Full time employees needing more than two days off may debit personal leave days in extenuating circumstances. For example, if extensive travel is involved. See the immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Department for details.

Leave of Absence Policy:

A leave of absence without pay may be granted to an employee at the discretion of Haven of Rest Ministries. A leave of absence is defined as an absence of no more than six months. It is not our general policy to grant leaves of absence and such leave will be granted only under certain circumstances.

Probationary employees are not generally eligible for leaves of absence. An employee must have 90 days of continuous employment before such a leave will be considered.

Applications for leaves of absence may be granted or rejected as dictated by the judgment of the Executive Director of Haven of Rest Ministries.

The employee’s exact position, tour of duty, or employment may not be guaranteed upon return from a personal leave of absence; however, all efforts will be made to place the employee in a similar job with similar pay. 

 It is the employee’s responsibility to return to work on the date the leave of absence expires. Should the employee fail to return, we will assume that the employee does not intend to rejoin Haven of Rest Ministries and will consider the employee to have resigned from employment. 

Jury Duty Policy:

Jury duty leave is usually granted without any loss of credit for the employee’s length of service with Haven of Rest Ministries. Leave may be paid by the employer, with the understanding that the jury duty stipend paid by the court system is turned over by the employee to the employer. Any jury duty leave shall not exceed 3 days of pay.

Advance Notice:

Employees must give advance notice of the need for time off for jury duty. A copy of the summons should accompany the request. 

Return to Work:

If employees are dismissed from jury duty before the end of the workday, they must report to work for instructions on whether to return for work for the rest of the workday.

Military Leave Policy: 

It is the policy of Haven of Rest Ministries to permit employees to take military leaves of absence. Haven of Rest Ministries will grant the employee’s request for military leave of absence for 5 days per year without pay to be used for military training, reserve duty, drills, maneuvers, etc. In addition, if the employee should be called to active duty, the employee may take active duty leave for up to 6 months. Military leave is only granted for regular employees. 


If a similar position to the one the employee held, the employee may be reinstated full time. Unless circumstances at Haven of Rest Ministries’ change so drastically while the employee is on annual or active-duty military leave that reinstatement is impossible or impractical the employee will be reinstated. When the employee returns to Haven of Rest Ministries after military leave, the employee must submit the following for reinstatement:

  1. Proof of honorable discharge from duty
  2. Proof of ability to resume the position
  3. Notice of intention to return is given

Notice of intention to return to work must reach Haven of Rest Ministries within 10 days of the employee’s discharge form military duty.

Time Off to Vote:

It is the policy of Haven of Rest Ministries to give employees time off to vote. Before taking time off to vote, the employee must make a written request for time off 2 days before voting day. Time off to vote will be treated as a paid absence. The employee is allowed 2 hours of time off to vote. Time off to vote may be taken before coming in to work or at the end of the day. 

Thrift Store Policies:

To successfully fulfill our mission statement for those in need, we have added the following policies to maximize the sales and revenue in ALL Thrift Stores. 

Thrift Store Purchase Policy:

  1. Employee and Haven Helper Purchase Policy includes a holding period of (48) hours on furniture/appliances, a limit of (3) items purchased/per day/per workday, Managers or Assistant Managers must ring up all employee sales.
  2. No special pricing, layaway, or purchases from the back area, or discounts for employees, Haven Helpers, family, clients and/or friends. All sales are final.
  3. Items in the Thrift Stores will be priced according to market value for the maximum price
  4. Items in the Thrift Store may not be priced to show favoritism to employees, Haven Helpers, family, clients and/or friends 
  5. No “holding” or “setting aside” merchandise in the Thrift Stores for any reason. All items are sold on a first come, first serve basis.
  6. Employees, Haven Helpers, family, clients and/or friends may not remove any items from the trash.

Over-the-Counter Medications for Client Use:

It is both the privilege and a responsibility of Haven of Rest employees to provide an environment for the Haven of Rest Clients that supports the Ministry Program Client Policies and Procedures Handbook. In addition, all Haven of Rest locations and employees have the privilege of encouraging the clients toward their success in completing the Ministry Program.  

No over-the-counter medications or medications of any type may be provided to the clients at the Thrift Store locations. The Ministry Programs have restrictions on medications, including over-the-counter medications, that must be adhered to by the clients according to the Ministry Program Policy and Procedure Handbook.  In addition, there are standard operating procedures the Ministry Staff must adhere to in administering medications, including all over-the-counter medications.  

Should a client, working at a Haven of Rest Thrift Store, have a need for or request an over-the-counter medication, the Rescue Mission should be contacted to request the client be picked up for proper care by a qualified Rescue Mission staff member.  

This policy was written and shared with all employees January 7, 2020 and entered into the Employee Handbook February 25, 2021

Service Animals on Haven of Rest Property:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires reasonable access for individuals who use service animals to perform a function or task disabled individuals cannot perform themselves. Examples can include: hearing dogs, guide dogs, psychiatric service animals, seizure alert animals, allergen alert animals, animals that detect lowering/raising of blood sugar levels in diabetics, and service animals who assist returning veterans with PTSD. (Emotional support or comfort animals are not covered by the ADA.)

It is important all retail staff be aware of how to communicate with a customer if unsure an animal is a service animal. Please familiarize all retail staff of the below steps:

  1. You may ask the individual whether it is a service animal.
  2. You may ask what tasks the service animal performs.   
  3. Please DO NOT ask about the individual’s disability
  4. Best practice is to not ask for documentation regarding the service animal’s legitimacy. Such activities can be viewed as a refusal of access to a public space and service and not providing a reasonable accommodation according to the ADA.

The service animal owner is responsible to care for the animal (toileting, feeding, grooming, etc.) while in the store and maintain control of the animal. Due to the nature of some service animals, there may be instances an animal is unleashed, under voice command. The owner will be responsible for damages that occur by a service animal. Service animals not under the control of the owner, posing a threat or behaving in an aggressive manner to staff or other customers, may be requested to be removed from the premises. The individual with the service animal may be allowed to remain in the store without the service animal if they so desire.

Policy updated February 26, 2021

Cell Phone Policy for Thrift Stores:

No non-work related, non-emergency cell phone usage (calls, text, internet etc.) during work time or work areas. However, employees are able to use their cell phones (calls, text, internet etc.) during breaks and lunch in non-work areas.

  • Haven of Rest Ministries will not be liable for the loss of personal cellular phones brought into the workplace. 
  • Cellular telephones may not be used to defame, harass, intimidate, or threaten any other person.
  • Employees are prohibited from using their cell phones in any illegal, illicit or offensive manner.

Occurrences of any of the above violations may result in corrective action, up to and including terminations. Unless otherwise specified, this list refers to violations while on duty, on Haven of Rest Ministries property, at a job site, and/or during their employment. This list is not all-inclusive; and all employment remains “at will”.

Additional Information Added January 11th, 2017


  • Weapons/Explosives:

To ensure that Haven of Rest Ministries maintains a safe workplace for all employees, the ministry prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on company property. All Haven of Rest Ministry employees are subject to the provision, including clients, Haven Helpers, and contract workers, as well as visitors and customers on Haven of Rest Ministries property. A license to carry a weapon on Haven of Rest Ministries property does not supersede ministry policy. Anyone in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

“Haven of Rest Ministries property” is defined as all Haven of Rest Ministries-owned or leased buildings and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, and parking lots under the ministries’ ownership or control. This policy applies to all Haven of Rest Ministries-owned or leased vehicles that come onto Haven of Rest Ministries property. 

“Dangerous weapons” include firearms, explosives, knives, and other weapons that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. 

Haven of Rest Ministries reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search all ministry-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles, plus packages, containers, briefcases, purses, lockers, desks, enclosures, and persons entering its property for the purpose of determining whether any weapon is being or has been brought onto its property or premises in violation of this policy. Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. This policy is administered and enforced by the Human Resources Department. Anyone with questions or concerns specific to this policy should contract the HR Department. 


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