Haven Events

Greater Vision Concert

Each year, Greater Vision comes to Anderson to perform a concert for the Haven benefitting the Missions Ministry. We appreciate the friendship of these wonderful men who give their time and talents to the Lord in support of the Haven. Concert Sponsorships are available for $200 and include 6 tickets with preferred seating and a pre-concert meal. General admission tickets are priced at $15.

March 7, 2025

Temple Baptist Church

Doors open at 6. Concert to start at 6:30.

Haven Golf Classic

This tournament supports the Men's Training Center, which is a Bible-based discipleship program for men struggling with addiction and other destructive behaviors.  It is held on the Friday before Memorial Day at Southern Oaks Golf Course in Easley.  On the registration link provided below, you can find various levels of sponsorships available to choose from if you would like to sponsor.

The 25th Annual Haven Classic

Friday, May 23, 2025

Tee times 8AM and 1PM ~ Captains Choice

Registration Cost: $400 per team

Register Now

Women's Ministry Banquet

Benefitting our Women's Ministry, this beautiful night of inspiring testimony, spirit-filled worship and a delicious meal is one that you don't want to miss.

There is no cost for tickets to attend this event. However, seats are limited and must be reserved in advance. We would be delighted if you could host a table for the event. You can do this by inviting seven other individuals interested in supporting the mission of the Haven. Contact Annette with the link below if you would like to become a host.

September 19, 2024

Program Starts at 6:30PM. Doors Open at 6

Anderson County Civic Center

Community Meal Ministry

Throughout the year, the Haven serves 3 large community meals, Easter (Good Friday), Thanksgiving Day, and one day during the Christmas season. Approximately 7,000 meals are passed out on these 3 specific occasions. Your contributions towards this meal extend beyond the walls of the Haven and into the community, reflecting the love of Jesus during the holiday seasons.

During the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, the Haven and its volunteers extend their support to those who are unable to come and pick up their meals by delivering it straight to their door. If you would like to become a volunteer and help deliver meals this year, please sign up using the form below.

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